Enhance Comfort And Appearance With Scrotox In Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale | Beso Men's Health

Scrotox Procedure in Scottsdale and Phoenix AZ

Welcome to Beso Men's Health, your destination for advanced Scrotox treatment in Phoenix,Scottsdale, and Glendale. We specialize in providing men with the latest non-surgical solutions for scrotal rejuvenation.

What is the Scrotox procedure?

Scrotox is an innovative procedure at Beso Men's Health that enhances the scrotal area's appearance and comfort. It involves injecting a neuromodulator, similar to Botox, directly into the scrotal skin. This treatment aims to smooth out wrinkles,reduce excessive sweating, and create a more aesthetically pleasing appearance for the scrotum. Scrotox is ideal for men seeking a significant boost in their genitalaesthetics and overall comfort. Additionally, it offers a discreet and non-invasive option for those uncomfortable with the idea of surgical intervention. This procedure has gained popularity for its ability to not only enhance the visual aspect but also for its role in improving personal comfort in everyday activities.

Science behind Scrotox Treatment

The science behind Scrotox involves the strategic use of a neuromodulator to relax thedartos muscles within the scrotum. By injecting Botox or a similar substance, the muscle's contractile force is reduced, leading to smoother skin and decreased wrinkles. This treatment is also effective in reducing scrotal hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, which can be a source of discomfort for many men. The neuromodulator temporarily blocks the nerve signals that cause the dartos muscle to contract, resulting in a more relaxed and uniform appearance. This scientific approach not only improves the aesthetic aspect of the scrotum but also enhances the overall sensory experience, making the area less prone to irritation and discomfort.

Benefits of Scrotox Procedure

•  Enhanced Scrotal Appearance: Scrotox significantly smoothens and improves the scrotal skin's appearance, reducing wrinkles and providing a more youthful look.
•  Reduction in Sweating: It effectively reduces excessive sweating in the scrotal area, enhancing comfort and reducing the risk of skin irritation.
•  Increased Comfort: The treatment alleviates discomfort associated with scrotal wrinkles and tightness, improving overall genital comfort.
•  Quick and Simple Procedure: Scrotox is a fast, outpatient procedure with minimal downtime, making it convenient for busy schedules.
•  Boosted Self-Confidence: The aesthetic improvements from Scrotox can lead to increased self-esteem and body confidence, particularly in intimate settings.
•  Non-Invasive Alternative: As a non-surgical option, Scrotox offers aesthetic benefits without the risks and recovery time associated with surgical procedures.

Conditions Addressed

Scrotox primarily addresses cosmetic and comfort-related concerns in the scrotal area. It's particularly beneficial for men experiencing excessive scrotal wrinkling, which can cause discomfort or self-consciousness. The treatment also effectively targets hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in the scrotal region, a condition that can lead to irritation and discomfort, especially in warmer climates or during physical activity.

Ideal Candidates

The ideal candidates for Scrotox are men who are not only concerned about the aesthetic aspects of their scrotum but also those dealing with practical discomforts. This includes individuals who find that scrotal wrinkling interferes with their daily activities, causes physical discomfort, or impacts their confidence, especially in intimate situations. Men who engage in activities that exacerbate scrotal sweating,such as athletes, may find this treatment particularly beneficial. Candidates should be in overall good health, have a clear understanding of the procedure’s limitations, and have realistic expectations regarding the cosmetic results.

What to Expect

Clients undergoing Scrotox can expect a quick and relatively painless procedure. Small injections are administered directly into the scrotal skin. After the treatment, clients may experience minimal temporary side effects, such as slight swelling or redness, but these typically resolve quickly. The full effect of the treatment usually becomes noticeable within a few days, and the results can last for several months. Clients are advised to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by their healthcare professional to ensure the best outcome. This stage outlines the specific conditions Scrotox addresses, the ideal candidate profile, and what clients can expect during and after the procedure, aligning with Beso Men's Health's services in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Glendale.

Procedure in Phoenix and Scottsdale

The Scrotox procedure at Beso Men's Health is a meticulous process involving the injection of Botox into the scrotal skin to achieve cosmetic and comfort improvements. Performed under local anesthesia for minimal discomfort, the procedure begins with cleaning the scrotal area with an alcohol pad, followed by the application of a topical anesthetic. This preparation ensures a comfortable experience for the patient. The actual injection process is precise, with minimal discomfort or pain, and takes about 45 minutes to complete. The specific amount of Botox used can vary, typically ranging from 75 to 100 units, depending on the thickness of the dartos muscle and individual patient needs.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Scrotox, while generally safe, carries potential risks and side effects, like any injectable treatment. Common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection sites. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, temporary numbness, or minor pain. More rare side effects can include infection or tissue damage. Allergic reactions, though uncommon, are a possibility. It's important for patients to be aware of these risks and discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider before undergoing treatment. Proper technique and following safety protocols can significantly mitigate these risks.


The results of the Scrotox treatment are typically noticeable within several days post-procedure. Patients often observe a smoother, more relaxed scrotal appearance,with a reduction in wrinkles and sweating. The effects of Scrotox generally last between 3 and 4 months, varying among individuals. Follow-up appointments are essential to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and determine if additional sessions are needed. The effects of Scrotox can also be influenced by external factors like weather, with more pronounced results in warmer temperatures.


After undergoing Scrotox treatment, clients are advised to follow specific aftercare instructions to maximize the results and minimize side effects. This includes refraining from strenuous physical activities for a short period of time to prevent exacerbating any swelling or bruising. It's also recommended to avoid exposing the treated area to extreme temperatures for a few days. Good hygiene is crucial to preventing infections. Clients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, or bruising in the treated area,which should subside within a few days. Applying ice can help alleviate these symptoms. Following the procedure, it's important to keep the injection sites clean and avoid irritants to minimize the risk of infection.


The cost of Scrotox at Beso Men's Health is determined based on individual treatment plans and may vary. During the initial consultation, clients receive a detailed assessment to understand their specific needs, and a transparent pricing structure is provided. The price factors in the amount of product used and the complexity of the procedure. Clients are encouraged to discuss their budget and treatment expectations to ensure the best possible outcome.

Related Services

•  Grotox: A similar cosmetic procedure targeting the penile area for aesthetic enhancement, Grotox uses neuromodulators to improve the appearance of the penis.
•  PShot PRP: Utilizes platelet-rich plasma to enhance erectile function and penile health. This treatment stimulates tissue regeneration and improves blood flow in the penile area.
•  Shockwave therapy is a noninvasive therapy that uses sound waves to promote blood flow and tissue repair in the penile area. It is often used to improve erectile function and overall penile health. These related services complement Scrotox, providing a holistic approach to malegenital health and aesthetics at Beso Men's Health. Each procedure offers unique benefits and can be chosen based on individual needs and desired outcomes.

Scrotox FAQs

Q: What is Scrotox?

•  A nonsurgical treatment using neuromodulators for scrotal rejuvenation.

Q: How long does Scrotox last?

•  Q: Results typically last several months.

Q: Can Scrotox improve sexual sensation?

•  Its primary focus is aesthetic improvement; any effect on sensation varies.

Q: What is the recovery time for Scrotox?

•  Recovery is generally quick, with minimal downtime.

Q: Are there any activities to avoid post-Scrotox?

•  Avoid strenuous activities for a short period post-treatment.

Q: How often can Scrotox be repeated?

•  The procedure can be repeated as the effects diminish, typically every few months.

Q: Who is the ideal candidate for Scrotox?

•  Men seeking aesthetic improvement of the scrotum with realistic expectations.

Beso's Holistic Approach to Men's Health

At Beso Men's Health, we embrace a comprehensive and integrative approach to men's wellness that extends far beyond the realm of cosmetic treatments like Scrotox. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that true health encompasses both physical appearance and internal well-being.
•  Hormone Optimization: Understanding the pivotal role hormones play in men's health, we offer hormone optimization therapies. These treatments are tailored to balance hormones like testosterone, which can impact everything from energy levels to mood and libido.
•  PShot PRP Therapy: We also specialize in PShot PRP therapy, an innovative treatment that uses the healing powers of a patient's own platelets to rejuvenate and enhance sexual health. This therapy is particularly beneficial for erectile function and overall penile health.
•  Weight Loss Programs: Recognizing the link between physical fitness and overall health, our weight loss programs are designed not just for aesthetics but for improving cardiovascular health, joint health, and metabolic functions.
•  Mental and Emotional Wellbeing: At Beso Men's Health, we understand that mental and emotional health are just as important as physical health. We offer resources and referrals for mental health support, recognizing its crucial role in a holistic health approach.
•  Nutritional Counseling: Nutrition plays a key role in men's health. Our services include nutritional counseling to ensure our clients are fueling their bodies with what they need for both physical appearance and internal health. By addressing these various aspects of men's health, we aim to enhance the overall quality of life for our clients, ensuring they not only look their best but also feel vibrant, energized, and healthy in every aspect of their lives.


Aziz Khambati, Susan Lau, Allan Gordon, Keith A. Jarvi, OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) Nerve Blocks Provide Durable Pain Relief for Men with Chronic Scrotal Pain: A Pilot Open-Label Trial, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2014, Pages 3072-3077https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12707
Ramelli, E., Brault, N., Tierny, C., Atlan, M., & Cristofari, S. (2020). Intrascrotal injection of botulinum toxin A, a male genital aesthetic demand: Technique and limits. Progrès En Urologie, 30(6), 312-317.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.purol.2020.04.016
Calixte, N., Tojuola, B., Kartal, I., Gudeloglu, A., Brahmbhatt, J., & Parekattil, S. (2017). PD69-09 Scrotox: Salvage PERI-SPERMATIC cord botulinum-a toxin injections for patients with refractory chronic scrotal content pain after microsurgical denervation of the spermatic cord. Journal of Urology, 197(4S).https://doi.org/10.1016/j.juro.2017.02.3150

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