Comprehensive Eczema Treatments in Phoenix, Scottsdale and beyond | Beso Men's Health

Advanced Eczema Care and Holistic Dermatology at Beso Men's Health

What is eczema, or atopic dermatitis?

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition marked by itchy, inflamed skin. Symptoms include dryness, redness, and skin that may crack or bleed, often leading to discomfort and even infection. There's growing evidence linking eczema to gut health issues, suggesting that imbalances in the gut microbiota can influence inflammation and trigger eczema flare-ups. This condition is particularly prevalent in children but can affect adults as well, varying in severity and duration. While the exact cause of eczema remains unknown, genetic factors, immune system activation, environmental triggers, and skin barrier dysfunction all play roles. Understanding eczema's multifaceted nature is key to managing symptoms and improving quality of life for those affected.

Eczema Causes and Triggers

Eczema flare-ups can be triggered by various factors, including allergens, irritants, changes in temperature or humidity, stress, and certain foods. Common irritants range from soaps and detergents to wool and synthetic fabrics, while allergens include pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. Stress, both emotional and physical, can also exacerbate eczema symptoms, highlighting the need for holistic management strategies. Additionally, individuals with eczema often have a compromised skin barrier, making their skin more susceptible to infections and irritants. Recognizing and avoiding personal triggers is a critical component of effective eczema management, alongside medical treatment.

Diagnosing and Testing for Eczema

Diagnosing eczema, or atopic dermatitis, typically involves a comprehensive evaluation that includes a physical examination and a detailed review of the patient's medical history and symptoms. Beso Men's Health Clinic takes a thorough approach, considering the characteristic patterns of eczema symptoms such as the location of rash outbreaks, itchiness, and any familial history of eczema or other atopic diseases like asthma or hay fever. Given the link between eczema and gut health, our clinic also explores innovative diagnostic tests to uncover underlying issues that may contribute to eczema flare-ups. These include:
•  Gut Microbiome Testing: Analyzing the gut microbiota to identify imbalances that may affect skin health and inflammation.
•  Food Sensitivity Testing: Identifying potential food allergens or sensitivities that could be exacerbating eczema symptoms.
•  Micronutrient Testing: Checking for deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that are crucial for maintaining healthy skin and immune function. While there is no single test for eczema, these integrative assessments help us identify specific triggers and underlying conditions, enabling us to craft personalized treatment plans. By addressing not only the symptoms but also the root causes of eczema, we aim to provide long-term relief and improved skin health for our patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Glendale,AZ.

Eczema Treatments

At Beso Men's Health, our approach to managing eczema combines the best of traditional medical treatments with innovative, non-traditional methods tailored to each patient's unique condition and lifestyle. Understanding that eczema's impact varies widely among individuals, we offer a range of therapies to alleviate symptoms and address the underlying causes of this complex skin condition. Traditional Treatments:
•  Low-potency corticosteroids (Clobetasol Topical): Ideal for reducing itching and swelling. Due to its potent effects, it's used sparingly and is not recommended for the face.
•  Loratadine Cream (Antihistamine): Helps alleviate itching by blocking histamine reactions.
•  Topical Doxepin HCL (Antipruritic Rx): Provides relief from intense itching for short-term use.
•  Crisaborole Ointment: A nonsteroidal option that targets inflammation by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 4.
•  Tacrolimus Topical Cream and Elidel Cream: Both are calcineurin-inhibitory immunosuppressive creams for short-term use, effective in reducing inflammation and flare-ups.
•  Dupilumab (monoclonal antibody Rx) targets underlying immune responses by blocking IL4 and IL13, making it suitable for moderate-to-severe cases.
•  Antimetabolites (Methotrexate): Considered for severe eczema, these drugs suppress the immune system to reduce skin inflammation. Non-Traditional Treatments:
•  Phototherapy exposes the skin to ultraviolet light, reducing symptoms and inflammation.
•  Gut Microbiome Optimization: Focuses on improving gut health through diet and probiotics,addressing the gut-skin connection.
•  Nutrition and Micronutrient Supplementation: Tailored dietary plans and supplements to correct deficiencies and support skin health.
•  Detoxification (Heavy Metal Detox, Liver Methylation): removes toxins that may exacerbate eczema, supporting overall bodily health.
•  Stress Management: Techniques such as meditation and yoga to reduce stress-related flare-ups.
•  CBD Oil: Emerging research suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) oil, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can be beneficial for eczema patients. Applied topically or taken orally, CBD oil may help soothe skin irritation, reduce redness, and alleviate itching.
•  Lifestyle Modifications: Custom advice on skincare routines, environmental adjustments,and allergen avoidance to minimize triggers. So Men's Health is committed to offering a comprehensive eczema care plan that not only treats the symptoms but also enhances the patient's overall well-being. By integrating traditional medical treatments with holistic approaches, we aim to achieve long-lasting relief and significant improvements in skin health for our patients in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Glendale, AZ.

Benefits of Eczema Treatments

The comprehensive eczema treatments available at Beso Men's Health offer numerous benefits,aimed at alleviating the distressing symptoms of eczema and enhancing patients' quality of life. By integrating both traditional and non-traditional approaches, our clinic provides a holistic path to managing this chronic condition effectively. Alleviation of Symptoms: The primary benefit of our tailored eczema treatments is the significant reduction of common symptoms such as itching, redness, and skin inflammation. Treatments like low-potency corticosteroids and crisaborole ointment offer quick relief from acute flare-ups, while long-term strategies, including tacrolimus topical cream and dupilumab injections, help maintain symptom control. Improvement in Skin Health: Beyond symptom relief, our treatments focus on restoring the integrity of the skin barrier. This not only helps to prevent further irritation and infection but also improves the overall appearance of the skin. Techniques such as phototherapy and the strategic use of moisturizers in aftercare support skin health and resilience against environmental triggers. Addressing Underlying Causes: Perhaps the most significant benefit of choosing Beso Men's Health for eczema care is our commitment to identifying and treating the underlying causes of eczema. Through gut microbiome optimization, nutrition and micronutrient supplementation, and stress management, we aim to tackle the root factors contributing to eczema flare-ups. This holistic approach not only provides relief from current symptoms but also reduces the frequency and severity of future episodes. Moreover, our integrative treatment plans are designed to empower patients with the knowledge and tools they need for self-care and management. By understanding their condition and how to manage it effectively, patients can enjoy a more active, fulfilling life, free from the constraints of chronic eczema. At Beso Men's Health, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our comprehensive approach to eczema treatment in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Glendale, AZ, ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care, tailored to their individual needs and lifestyle.

Ideal Candidates for Eczema Treatment

The ideal candidates for eczema treatment at Beso Men's Health are individuals experiencing the disruptive symptoms of eczema or atopic dermatitis, ranging from mild to severe. Suitable candidates often struggle with chronic itching, redness, dryness, or skin that cracks and bleeds,significantly impacting their daily lives and well-being. Those who have found little relief from over-the-counter solutions or seek a more holistic approach to managing their condition are particularly well-suited for our comprehensive treatment plans. Candidates should be open to exploring both traditional and integrative treatment modalities,recognizing the importance of addressing not just the external symptoms but also the internal factors contributing to their eczema. This includes individuals interested in understanding how diet, lifestyle, and gut health can influence their skin condition. Moreover, patients looking for personalized care who are willing to actively engage in their treatment plan by making necessary lifestyle adjustments and following through with prescribed therapies will find our approach most beneficial. Additionally, individuals with a family history of eczema or related atopic conditions like asthma and hay fever, indicating a genetic predisposition, are also ideal candidates. So Men's Health is committed to providing these patients with targeted, effective solutions designed to improve their skin health and overall quality of life.

What to Expect During Eczema Treatment

Patients beginning their eczema treatment journey at Beso Men's Health can expect a comprehensive and empathetic approach to care. Initially, you will undergo a thorough assessment that includes a physical examination, a review of your medical history, and discussions about your lifestyle and any known triggers or factors that worsen your eczema. This holistic evaluation helps us tailor a treatment plan that addresses both your symptoms and the root causes of your condition. Throughout your treatment, you can expect regular monitoring and adjustments to your plan as needed. Traditional treatments may offer prompt relief for flare-ups, while integrative therapies work to sustain long-term improvement and prevent recurrence. It's important to have realistic expectations; while some patients see significant improvements in a short period, others may require a longer duration to achieve optimal results, especially when addressing underlying causes like gut health imbalances. Patients will also receive education on self-care practices, including skincare routines, dietary recommendations, and stress management techniques, to empower them to manage their eczema effectively. Our goal is to not only improve your current skin condition but also equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary for maintaining healthy skin long-term. By choosing Beso Men's Health for eczema treatment, you're taking a step towards a life with lessitching and discomfort and more comfort and confidence in your skin.

Results of Eczema Treatment

Following a comprehensive eczema treatment plan at Beso Men's Health, patients can anticipate an improvement in their skin condition and overall well-being. The immediate results often include a significant reduction in itching, inflammation, and redness, leading to healthier-looking and more comfortable skin. Over time, with consistent application of the treatment plan, patients typically experience fewer flare-ups and a more stable skin condition. The long-term benefits of our holistic approach extend beyond the surface, addressing underlying triggers and contributing factors to eczema. Patients report not only improved skin health but also enhanced quality of life, including better sleep, reduced stress levels, and increased confidence. It's important to remember that, while eczema is a chronic condition, effective management with our personalized treatment plans can lead to sustained periods of remission and significantly reduce the impact of eczema on daily life. The success of treatment varies among individuals, depending on various factors, including the severity of the condition, adherence to the treatment plan, and lifestyle modifications. Beso Men's Health is dedicated to supporting patients throughout their journey, offering adjustments and recommendations to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Aftercare for Eczema Treatment

Aftercare is crucial in maintaining the results achieved through eczema treatment and preventing future flare-ups. Beso Men's Health provides patients with detailed aftercare instructions tailored to their specific needs. Key components of effective aftercare include:
•  Skincare Routine: Maintaining a gentle skincare routine and using hypoallergenic and moisturizing products to protect the skin barrier and prevent dryness.
•  Diet and Nutrition: Continuing to follow a balanced diet that supports skin health, possibly including specific recommendations for vitamin and micronutrient supplementation.
•  Stress Management: Implementing stress reduction techniques learned during treatment,such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, to minimize stress-related flare-ups.
•  Lifestyle Modifications: Adhering to lifestyle changes advised during treatment, like avoiding known triggers and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome through probiotics or other gut-supportive measures,.
•  Regular Followups: Scheduling follow-up visits with Beso Men's Health to monitor skin conditions, make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and address any new concerns Patients are encouraged to communicate openly with their healthcare provider about any challenges they face in aftercare or any symptoms that reoccur. Our team is committed to providing ongoing support and guidance, ensuring patients feel confident in managing their eczema effectively.


The cost of eczema treatment at Beso Men's Health varies depending on the individual's condition, severity, the specific treatments chosen, and the length of the treatment plan. We strive to provide transparent pricing and understand that healthcare decisions often depend on financial considerations. Initial consultations are designed to assess your condition thoroughly and discuss the most effective treatment options available. Following this, a detailed treatment plan, including a clear breakdown of costs, will be provided. Our clinic offers a range of payment options and plans to accommodate our patients' budgets, ensuring that high-quality eczema care is accessible to those in need. We believe in investing in long-term health and wellness, and our pricing reflects the comprehensive and personalized care we offer. For more specific information on pricing and payment options, we encourage potential patients to contact our clinic directly.

Related Services

In addition to eczema treatments, Beso Men's Health offers a variety of dermatological and wellness services designed to improve skin health and overall well-being.
•  Acne Treatments: Tailored to individual skin types and acne severity, including topical medications, oral prescriptions, and advanced therapies to reduce breakouts and improve skin clarity.
•  Sun Damage Treatments: Utilizing the latest in laser technology and chemical peels to address the effects of sun exposure, improving skin texture, and reducing the appearance of spots and wrinkles.
•  Wart Removal: Offering safe and effective solutions for removing warts, providing clear skin with minimal discomfort.
•  Skin Tag Removal: A quick and painless procedure to remove unwanted skin tags, leaving the skin smooth and unblemished. Each of these services is designed with the same attention to detail and patient care as our eczema treatments, ensuring personalized and effective solutions for a wide range of skin and health concerns.

FAQ about Eczema Treatment

Q: What is the most effective treatment for eczema at Beso Men's Health?

Our clinic offers personalized treatment plans combining traditional and non-traditional methods. Effectiveness can vary based on individual condition and response to treatment, including options like low-potency corticosteroids,immunosuppressive creams, and integrative therapies like diet modifications and stress management.

Q: Can dietary changes really improve my eczema?

Yes, many patients experience significant improvements in their eczema symptoms through dietary adjustments that address gut health and reduce inflammation, such as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding known allergens.

Q: How long before I see improvements in my eczema symptoms?

A: While some patients notice improvements within weeks of starting treatment,others may require longer. The timeline varies depending on the treatment strategy, the severity of the condition, and individual health factors.

Q: Is eczema treatment at Beso Men's Health covered by insurance?

A: Coverage varies by insurance plan and treatment type. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider and our clinic to understand your coverage options.

Q: Can eczema be cured completely?

A: While there is no cure for eczema, our treatments aim to significantly reduce symptoms and manage the condition effectively, leading to prolonged periods of remission.

Beso's Holistic Approach to Men's Health

At Beso Men's Health, we adopt a holistic approach to dermatology, recognizing that skin health is intricately connected to overall well-being. Our comprehensive eczema treatment programs are attuned to this philosophy, addressing not only the physical symptoms of eczema but also the environmental, nutritional, and emotional factors that contribute to the condition. By integrating traditional medical treatments with lifestyle and dietary interventions, we aim to provide a sustainable solution to eczema management. This includes optimizing gut health,enhancing liver function through detoxification, and implementing stress reduction techniques, all of which play a crucial role in mitigating eczema flare-ups and promoting skin health. Our commitment to a holistic approach extends beyond eczema treatment to encompass a wide range of health and wellness services designed to improve the lives of men in Phoenix, Scottsdale,and Glendale, AZ. At Beso Men's Health, we empower our patients with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve optimal health, ensuring they feel supported every step of the way on their journey to wellness.


Baswan, S. M., Klosner, A. E., Glynn, K., Rajgopal, A., Malik, K., Yim, S., & Stern, N. (2020). Therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD) for skin health and disorders. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, Volume 13, 927–942.
Waldman, R. A., DeWane, M. E., Sloan, B., Grant-Kels, J. M., & Lu, J. (2020). Dupilumab for the treatment of dyshidrotic eczema in 15 consecutive patients. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 82(5), 1251–1252.
Fahrbach, K., Tarpey, J., Washington, E. B., Hughes, R., Thom, H., Neary, M. P., Cha, A., Gerber, R., & Cappelleri, J. C. (2020). Crisaborole ointment, 2%, for treatment of patients with mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis: Systematic Literature Review and network meta-analysis. Dermatology and Therapy, 10(4), 681–694.

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